Deposit Rates

Deposit Rates Effective: June 1, 2024
Account TypeDividend RateAnnual Percentage YieldDividend MethodDividend CompoundingDividend Period Paid (Calendar)Minimum Opening BalanceMinimum Balance to Earn APY
Prime Share Account0.10%0.10%Average Daily BalanceDailyQuarterly$10.00$100.00
IRA Accumulator Account1.75%1.77%Average Daily BalanceDailyQuarterly$100.00
Club Account0.10%0.10%Average Daily BalanceDailyQuarterly$0.01
Money Market1.00%1.01%Average Daily BalanceDailyMonthly$100.00
Money Market1.10%1.11%Average Daily BalanceDailyMonthly$5,000.00
Money Market1.25%1.26%Average Daily BalanceDailyMonthly$20,000.00
Money Market1.50%1.51%Average Daily BalanceDailyMonthly$50,000.00
Money Market1.75%1.77%Average Daily BalanceDailyMonthly$100,000.00
Share Draft (Checking) Account0.00%0.00%N / AN / AN / A
Share Certificate – 90 Day2.20%2.22%Daily BalanceDailyMonthly$1,000.00$1,000.00
Share Certificate – 6 Month3.00%3.05%Daily BalanceDailyQuarterly$1,000.00$1,000.00
Share Certificate – 12 Month4.65%4.76%Daily BalanceDailyQuarterly$1,000.00$1,000.00
Share Certificate – 18 Month4.15%4.24%Daily BalanceDailyQuarterly$1,000.00$1,000.00
Share Certificate – 24 Month3.75%3.82%Daily BalanceDailyQuarterly$1,000.00$1,000.00
Share Certificate – 30 Month3.70%3.77%Daily BalanceDailyQuarterly$1,000.00$1,000.00
Share Certificate – 36 Month3.65%3.72%Daily BalanceDailyQuarterly$1,000.00$1,000.00
Share Certificate – 48 Month3.60%3.67%Daily BalanceDailyQuarterly$1,000.00$1,000.00
Share Certificate – 60 Month3.25%3.51%Daily BalanceDailyQuarterly$1,000.00$1,000.00
IRA Share Certificate – 12 Month4.65%4.76%Daily BalanceDailyQuarterly$1,000.00$1,000.00
IRA Share Certificate – 24 Month3.75%3.82%Daily BalanceDailyQuarterly$1,000.00$1,000.00
IRA Share Certificate – 36 Month3.65%3.72%Daily BalanceDailyQuarterly$1,000.00$1,000.00
IRA Share Certificate – 48 Month3.60%3.67%Daily BalanceDailyQuarterly$1,000.00$1,000.00
IRA Share Certificate – 60 Month3.25%3.30%Daily BalanceDailyQuarterly$1,000.00$1,000.00
All Offerings, Dividends, and Annual Percentage Yields are subject to change or termination at any time as determined by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors. The Annual Percentage Yield assumes that dividends remain on deposit until maturity. Withdrawals of dividends will reduce earnings. Fees may reduce earnings. The credit union may discontinue the acceptance of share certificate renewals or deposits without notice. For more information on terms & fees please request a Truth in Savings disclosure.

For Share & IRA Certificates – a penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Fees may reduce earnings. The credit union may discontinue the acceptance of share certificate renewals or deposits without notice. Membership required with a $10 deposit.

Special 13-month Certificate renews automatically to a standard 12-month term at the rate in effect at the time of renewal unless instructed otherwise.